Has your business revenue decreased due to COVID-19? Has your sales stagnated in recent months?

You were hesitant to set up a full website and to move part of your business online before the lockdown assuming it takes thousands of dollars to do so or that it was too complicated.

Now with lockdown and work from home measures are in effect, you are not able to meet or serve your customers face to face.

As a Small Medium Enterprise (SME) or Freelancer providing services to others, you have been reaching out to customers one on one without the aid of a optimised website that could be helping your business to grow. This is like hunting for food without a weapon.

So, instead of hunting for customers one by one, why not set up a professional-looking website for prospective customers to come to you? You may even qualify your prospects without a salesperson before setting up a meeting to discuss an upcoming project.

Even if you have a website today, it can probably be improved further through simple tweaks so you can increase the number of sales and leads you get online as your offline channels dry up.

As your bills and payroll commitments are mounting, waiting out and praying that the COVID-19 crisis will soon pass is not a good strategy. Luck is going to favour those who take action.

A specially designed course for those who would not consider themselves 'tech savvy' or 'technical'

Yes, can do it yourself and I will walk you through step by step over a few hours. No experience or technical skills needed. You also do not need to hire anyone outside your company to maintain the website for you right after the course.

As long as you are willing to learn and are commited to building or growing your online revenue stream, this course could help you. As part of online learning, all course participants will get 1-year access to a private Facebook group for peer support and Q&A with the instructor.

By the end of the workshop you will:

  • Have a working mobile-optimised website via Squarespace or Wix with at least one or more of your products and services for sale. No additional software needed, just pay for your own hosting and domain fees.
  • A clear value proposition of what your business does and why someone should buy from you on the home page using copywriting frameworks they do not teach in marketing schools.
  • Learn simple ways to optimise your website to turn more visitors into paying customers using a test and learn approach using Hotjar (free).
  • Learn how to get your visitors/customers coming back and grow your online business sustainably through the basic principles of habit design and inbound marketing.
  • Get your first few customers via your email list and social network.
  • Tips to stay top of mind with your existing and prospective customers.
  • Options to sell your product/service to the world even without a website. Including setting-up your own free Stripe and PayPal account to take one-time or recurring credit card transactions.
  • Set-up automated calendar bookings for your consultations. Have the ability to get paid for these consultations.

Self-paced Course Curriculum

  Recipe: Awareness - Understanding the business you are in
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Preparing Ingredients: Setting-Up Domain, Webhost & Payment options
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Cooking: Website Content that Explains & Sells for you
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Mixing and Presenting Dishes: Launch & Test your Website
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Attract Better Diners: Inbound Marketing to attract clients/customers
Available in days
days after you enroll

Made S$18+k of online revenue in 2019

Screenshot of revenue earnings from one of the websites I built. If you have a business that already have some customers before the workshop, this investment in your education will likely pay off within the first month.

Plus, you get to learn to open a new lead generation or revenue stream, allow new customers to find your business easily and grow your online revenue stream with the given tools and tips.

Why am I doing this?

I am currently teaching at schools like Republic Polytechnic and train MNCs in Singapore and Malaysia who pay me handsomely to teach a discipline called User Experience (UX) research and design. I have practiced the same principles in my projects and websites I built for the last 4 years, including for clients like Unilever, Aviva and service agencies.

Today, I wish to use my skills and knowledge to be of service to help fellow business owners who may not be as tech savvy. And I am offering you this online workshop at a subsidised rate.

As a fellow business owner, I know that time is money and have condensed everything I have been consistently teaching and practicing the last 4 years so you can quickly take action and generate a new stream of revenue even if the COVID-19 crisis is to stay for the rest of the year.

One-time course fee for a limited time only [Lifetime Access]

Student Testimonials

Maria Subekti, Tuition Teacher & F&B Entrepreneur

Royston Phang, Product Design Consultant

"It was wonderful to take the plunge to sign up for the Offline to Online Business Course, it came very timely for me during this COVID-19 situation.

The course gave me the insights to take baby steps towards getting myself offline to online to present and market my product design services and products that I have been procrastinating for awhile.

Daylon is not just a teacher, he is a practitioner of what he preaches and that makes his advice/suggestions practical and executable."

Meet your Instructor: Daylon Soh

Daylon currently consults with enterprises and mentors startups via WeWork Labs on UX Design and Product Management. He also teaches at Republic Polytechnic and private schools in Singapore, Malaysia and Portugal.

Daylon was previously Razer's Global eCommerce Architect for the online shopping experience part of a team responsible for driving global direct eCommerce sales. He led and design initiatives focused on optimising Average Order Value (AOV) + Lifetime Value (LTV), increasing site visits to sales conversions and lowering churn for millions of site visitors and shoppers every month on Razer.com. He led a team of of Marketing & Merchandising Specialists and a UX Designer. 

With more than 10 years of experience working at the intersection of technology, design and marketing, Daylon has worked with organisations across different industries and scale including a 2.5 year stint launching his own eCommerce venture as a design and marketing lead. Daylon has also taught part-time at General Assembly since 2015 (Average Student Net Promoter Score: >80) on UX Design and Digital Marketing.

Daylon is an Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® & PRINCE2® Certified Practitioner in Project Management.

One-time course fee for a limited time only [Lifetime Access]